Monday, March 2, 2015


 || home-cooked goodness after two weeks with no kitchen. 
DRINKING || Hazelnut 8 o'clock coffee brought over from home. I never thought I'd be so happy to see that little red bag.
PRACTICING || digital calligraphy so hardcore that I gave myself a neck ache last night. 
MASTERING || how to actually use my new bamboo stylus. Kiiiiinda obsessed.
LEARNING || that it's ok to be wrong. It's so hard, you guys. Pride is a jerkface.
PLAYING || with all filters as I edit the eleventy billion photos I took during our massive tour of China.
FINISHING || lot's of books from the many hours on planes & trains.
READING || red sparrow by Jason Matthews
WATCHING || All the houses of cards. I don't know what I'm going to do with my life once I finish season 3.
WALKING || in the cold, in the snow, in the rain & in the wind.
WEARING || whatever smells the least dirty as I wash my entire wardrobe.
COOKING || anything that doesn't resemble Chinese food.
WORKING || on making my blog pretty. Also, new fonts.
TRAVELING || to the lake by my house for some morning runs. The air quality is finally  getting low enough to spend time outside.
WANTING || to have more of a desire to start studying Chinese again after taking two weeks off. Don't. wanna.

this month has been a whole lot of crazy traveling, which means I haven't really been in any sort of habit of doing for like three weeks. I am super excited that we returned home to slightly warmer temps than just about everywhere we traveled to & the air quality is consistently the lowest I've seen it in months. Which makes me pretty much the happiest person alive. Now if only the sun would come out.... 
Yeah, I'm probably asking for too much.

March is going to bring about some magic, I can feel it.

1 comment:

  1. The answer to finishing House of Cards is to start The West Wing. It's like the alternate reality. I LOVE IT SO.
