Monday, July 13, 2015

A moment - on the metro

standing on the metro in china

Swarms of faded shoes & knock offs.
Open toed sandals & cropped pants.
I am lost in a book. A world I have escaped to.
I peek over the edge of the words from time to time.
I see the crowd of people, they come and they go.
Footprints marking steel grey floors.
The heat of the day coming to rest on the covering of skin, close to my own.
Shifting bodies - movement as we are jostled on this subway car.
Strangers among strangers.
I am transported between this in between space and this different reality.
Time is shifting in both places. I am feeling it like two trains, passing each other at high speeds.
Crossing lines between real & unreal.
Blurring lights, chatter & millions of tiny conversations.
Echoing through cell phones & whispered into ears.
Our heads are all close together, as if by some transferring paper, we are translating to each other without words.
I can hear distant music coming though my headphones. It is hushed, as if it knows that the world has so much to say. It doesn't overpower or try to conceal.
I feel the heaviness of the words that are escaping lips & fingers. So many stories, emerging messages all around me.
A masking of reality. Like a novel on a train.
Blurring lights passing in the dark.

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